The First Candle

Last week, a group from our Women’s Club gathered to celebrate Chanukah (a little early).  As part of my teaching, I prepared eight meditations on the theme of light.  I looked up the word in a thesaurus and discovered that the many synonyms for this word made...

Color, Faith and Fiber

My mother is an incredibly talented artist.  For many years now, she has used her talents for the sake of hiddur mitzvah – beautifying the mitzvah – of tallit.  She painted her first tallit for the occasion of my Bat Mitzvah.  It was purple flowers on white...

Crafting Spiritually

Good news!  TBT will be holding a fabulous cabaret night with music and food this Saturday night.  More good news: I will be leading Havdallah to lead us into the festivities.  Even more good news: We don’t have enough spice boxes for every table to have one.  If we...

Knitting as a Spiritual Practice

I have enjoyed yarn crafts for almost my entire life.  For the past several years, I have become a passionate and dedicated knitter.  Knitting keeps me calm in stressful meetings; it helps me stay focused on what is happening; it relaxes me after a difficult day. ...